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The Benefits of an Answering Service For Your Law Firm

When running a law firm, your services may be in such high demand that your office receives more calls in a single business day than it can handle. While this high traffic is beneficial to your law firm, unless you can respond to all client calls immediately, you risk losing them to another attorney. The last thing people want to hear when seeking legal advice is a disembodied, computer-generated voice presenting a range of suggestions to choose from. They require the assistance of a real receptionist who can effectively and...

What to Do When You Have Been Sexually Harassed at Work

Sexual harassment is regrettably a corrosive fact of our current cultural landscape. While the subject has received a recent boost in the public consciousness, this is an issue which was long...

#Me Too and Sexual Harassment

We can agree that sexual harassment is a pervasive aspect of our society. It takes a chunk out of the lives of its victims and can continue to gnaw away at them for years. If you're among the...

Contact Us Today By Calling 800-905-1856

We will give you a free, no-obligation consultation and can give immediate attention to your sexual harassment case.

Take A Stand

Call us now to determine what your options are when facing sexual harassment.
