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California Sexual Harassment Attorney


If you have or believe you have become the victim of sexual harassment or another form of discrimination in a California workplace, you do not have to simply ignore it, cut your losses, and move on. Harassment and discrimination by coworkers, managers, or employers is illegal in California and you have legal recourse to right these wrongs.

Sometimes, harassment and discrimination cases are simply a matter of being verbally and/or by gestures or inequitable policies, purposefully singled out and subjected to unfair treatment - but in relatively minor ways. This is still illegal and we can pursue such cases.

But at other times, the discrimination may be more serious. It may involve unequal pay for equal performance/experience levels, promotions or lack thereof being based (at least in part) on gender, race, or religion, OR it may even involve someone being fired for such illegitimate reasons. AND in still other instances, it things might have gone so far as to count as sexual assault and/or battery. 

At Sexual Harassment Attorney, we have deep experience in handling all manner of California sexual harassment and discrimination cases for Clients all over the state. We know how difficult it can be to suffer this kind of abuse at the hands of those in the workplace you thought you could trust. We also understand the applicable California laws and the courtroom processes that must be followed to maximize your chances of a fair judgment or settlement in these types of cases.

A Common Question We Hear Often

Do I have a case?  Should I call a lawyer now?  Sometimes the answer is "not yet."  If you are being harassed by a co-worker but you have not notified your employer, you might not have a case yet.  Under California law, an employer is not automatically liable for harassment by one of its employees, unless the harasser is a supervisor.  If the person who's harassing you is a co-worker, not a supervisor, you should notify your employer--in writing. Don't just talk to your employer about the harassment.  You should also include some sort of written notice such as an email or text message.  And save a copy.  Unfortunately, some employers will deny they ever received a complaint about a harasser unless there's a "paper trail."  If you have notified your employer about the harassment--in writing--and it still continues, or worse, they retaliate against, then you probably have a case that can be filed now.  If the harasser is a supervisor (not necessarily your own supervisor), then you should just call an attorney right away because employers are strictly liable for a supervisor's conduct.

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Why Choose California Sexual Harassment Attorney?

Unfortunately, sexual harassment, discrimination, and other similar injustices are not at all uncommon in California. And neither are law firms willing to take on such cases uncommon - but, the truth is, many of them are staffed by lawyers relatively inexperienced in this practice area or run by people who don't treat clients with the respect they deserve or put their clients' best interests first.

We at Sexual Harassment Attorney are different. We have a passion for defending those victimized in the workplace on the basis of sex, race, national origin, disabilities, religion, or anything else. We see ourselves as on a mission to do our part to make California a safer place to work and to live, and to ensure that justice is done in regard to our clients.

We also understand and anticipate the types of invalid defenses often used against a sexual harassment/discrimination suit. For example, the defense may argue that if you were still able to work and perform your duties as usual, there must not have been any significant issue going on. But one's ability to ply on and fulfill his/her work duties while suffering harassment/discrimination is not a proof that nothing ever happened.

And another issue that frequently comes up is workplace dating. There is not law that says you can't date a coworker or that a worker and supervisor can't date. But many companies make policy rules against this anyway, because they know that a sexual harassment complaint might come up if the dating relationship falls apart OR that coworkers might file a suit based on the dated employee unfairly being treated better than other employees.

And a third situation that is all too common is when a female worker puts up with abuse and sexual misconduct of a supervisor for fear she will lost her job and no longer be able to pay her rent and/or support her family.

Our Sexual Harassment Attorneys have successfully handled all of these and other issues in a multitude of cases and won big for our clients. We know how each California statute applies to particular sets of circumstances that come up in harassment/discrimination cases, and we will know how to build you the strongest possible case.

Our Practice Areas

At California Sexual Harassment Attorney, we have deep expertise across a wide range of practice areas. We have successfully handled numerous cases in each of the 16 practice areas listed below in the past, and in others besides. 

Here is a brief overview of our most common practice areas, but feel free to explore our website or contact us for more detailed information on any particular practice area or on the specifics of your case in particular:

Age Discrimination

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Constructive Discharge

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Disability Discrimination

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Discrimination at Work

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Equal Pay & Discrimination Against Women

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Gender (Sex) Discrimination

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Hostile Work Environment

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Jokes at Work

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National Origin Discrimination

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Pregnancy Discrimination

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Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment

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Race Discrimination

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Religious Discrimination

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Sexual Harassment

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Wrongful Termination

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Contact Us Today for Immediate Assistance!

At Sexual Harassment Attorney, we will quickly respond to your call for help. Contact us today by calling 800-905-1856 for a free consultation and quick attention to your case.

Statutes of limitations may vary depending on the nature of the harassment or discrimination you are pursuing claims over, but realize that the "clock" starts running only from the date of the last incident in a string of ongoing incidents (not from the first incident). This may give you more time to file, so on the one hand, the sooner you call the better; but on the other hand, don't assume it's too late when it may not be.

Contact Us Today By Calling 800-905-1856

We will give you a free, no-obligation consultation and can give immediate attention to your sexual harassment case.

Take A Stand

Call us now to determine what your options are when facing sexual harassment.
